Nexsure® Release (5-20-2022)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added a new feature which allows users to create a template from the Policy Info screen. This template captures lines of business, premiums, fees, and taxes. When creating a new marketing record, the template can be selected to quickly populate the line items. Policy templates can also be used to populate line items for existing policies and marketing records
- Added a new feature to the policy summary screen on clients which shows the Branch Name at the far right on each policy line item
Document Management
- Added Document Validation for Excel templates
- Updated the Download Coverage Codes for Agraria BOP downloads
Service Automation
- Added a feature that allows Service Automation to create Verification Cards on Endorsements
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue in which an error would occur when removing a Retail Agent from the assignment on a policy. This would only occur when the Other Commission Type was set to % of Net Agency Comm and the policy had been invoiced
- Corrected an issue with the "Invoice Days Until Past Due" which can be found when clicking the details icon of a Department on the Department tab. Previously this field was not saving the days entered
- Corrected an issue in which Mass Marketing a policy with a Renew Mode was changing the Mode to New when clicking into the newly created Mass Marketing policy
- Corrected an issue in which the Attachment Naming Convention found on an Action within Action Setup was not naming the attachment correctly when an attachment was added to that particular Action Topic/Type
Document Templates
- Corrected an issue in which opening a Word document created as draft in Internet Explorer returned an error when opening in Edge/Chrome
- Corrected an issue in which a Commission Download LOB relaxation rule, found within the Download Defaults in Setup, was not working properly. An exception would occur on the Interface screen even though there was a rule in place